Japan/North America S2S event at Mt Elliot 23-Apr-17

As a followup to the VK/NA S2S event on 13th January UTC, Kevin AC2KL proposed a simultaneous activation event for Japan and North American SOTA stations. The timing was set for Sunday morning 23rd April in Japan and Saturday night in NA. With almost two months notice operators had plenty of time to plan their activations.

Australia is in a very similar time zone to Japan so the prospect of joining in with the event and making some summit-to-summit contacts was more than enticing. It would mean an early start so I organised a stay nearby to an easy drive-up summit allowing maximum operating time.

Mt Elliot

Mt Elliot, VK2/HU-093 is the summit I activate every year for New Year and the most convenient for the event. Arriving at the summit just after dawn it was a cool, clear and sunny day. Rather than operating at the usual spot I scouted around for a better location further away from the roadside power lines. RF noise on the summit is generally pretty low, but it would be critical to minimise QRM in order to work the weaker DX stations. The actual activation zone is huge. Upon checking out the lookout platform there did not seem enough room to string the antenna, a 28m long ZS6BKW horizontal inverted-Vee. Another location was found further back where there was a table and a fence post for attaching the squid pole. This was about 20m further away from the power lines than the usual table.


As well as the ZS6BKW I wanted to use my 20m quarter wave ground plane because of its lower angle of radiation. Using a single 9m squid pole allows both antennas to be supported. An egg insulator near the top of the squid pole with a rope through it is used to raise and lower the ground plane. The squid pole was lashed to a fence post about 4m from the table. The ground plane was set up with four elevated radials but was not exactly vertical as I only had a 2m run of coax to go from the base to the table. The ZS6BKW was set up to be broadside to NA.


Operating position at Mt Elliot VK2/HU-093

The station consisted of a KX3 transceiver, KL-405 linear amplifier and a two-way antennas switch. The KX3 has an in-built antenna matcher so can be used on any band. The linear would only be useable on 40m, 20m and 17m where there is a good impedance match with the antennas. Only 1-2 Watts input is needed to drive the linear to full output of 50-60 Watts. It also has a receive pre-amp that can be useful for very weak signals.


To make this activation more interesting, I decided to do my logging electronically rather than on a paper log. This would be done using VK Port-a-log on the mobile phone, an application that I use religiously for spotting but have thus far ignored the logging side. This would be the trial run for the rest of my week long activating trip.


Once the station was set up the spots on SOTAwatch were checked through looking especially for NA SOTA stations. There were no audible ones so the JA stations were investigated. First summit-to-summit contact was with Hayashi JA4RQO on 15m and reports of 519 sent and 319 received. With the antenna favouring NA there was no expectation of big signals from Japan. Next S2S was on 17m with Takeshi JS1UEH and reports of 419 sent and 339 received.

Moved up the 17m band and put out a spot and started calling CQ. Rather elated when I heard Peter WA7JTM call back from Summit Mountain W7A/CS-026 in Arizona with a 449 report and I gave him 319. The power output was only 12 Watts at this stage. That surprise call was followed up with two more NA calls – both home stations: Tom NQ7R in Arizona and Larry K0RS in Colorado. These stations were also S1 so I was amazed they could hear me.

At that point the calls dried up so I started scooting around the bands checking for other SOTA activators. I worked Toru JH0CJH on 15m with 319 sent and then Jun JI1IHV on 17m with 419 sent. Signals were certainly pretty consistent. Received reports were between S1 and S3. Then I put out a spot on 20m and started calling but there were no responses at all. I noticed that the noise level was slightly elevated on 20m compared to the higher bands so there was a chance someone heard me and called but was lost in the noise.


Antennas and shack at Mt Elliot VK2/HU-093

It was time to give 15m a try so I spotted there and started calling. First in the log (again) was Peter WA7JTM for another S2S on a different band. Thanks Peter! Signal reports on both bands were pretty similar. That was followed by two more S2S calls from Japan: Minoru JL1NIE and Gen JS1IFK. When the calls dried up again I started chasing.

John ZL1BYZ was easy to work for the first ZL S2S on 17m and then Katsu JP3DGT and JG1GPY. Then the first of the VK activators came on. It was Andrew VK1AD at Bobbara Mtn VK2/ST-044 about 300km away and I worked him on 40m SSB. He had actually been on the higher bands for nearly an hour but I only had a very, very weak copy on him on 17m SSB so it was not QSO quality.

It was 2330z or 9:30am local and I had 11 S2S in the log so put up a posting on the facebook SOTA group in the hope of attracting some more chasers. Before UTC rollover I chased Peter VK3PF on 40m at VK4/SE-045. At that point I remembered I had brought the linear so plugged it in to work Charlie NJ7V at Humboldt Mountain W7A/AW-040 for another Arizona S2S on 17m. Signals were hanging in there at S1. In the final minute of UTC Saturday worked Wade VK1FWBD at Mt Gibraltar VK2/IL-001 on 40m SSB.

UTC Rollover

Just after UTC rollover I worked Andrew VK1AD, Wade VK1FWBD and Peter VK3PF for second S2S contacts plus some chasers on 40m SSB. Then spotted back on 17m and worked some chasers as well as Yukio JF1NDT, then chased Steve JS6TMW on 15m for his first JA-VK S2S. Some more VK activators were on air so worked Tony VK3CAT an Allen VK3ARH at Big Hill VK3/VE-059. They were on a two day hiking tour through a few summits.

Spotted again on 15m and yielded two chasers: VK6NU and JA1VRY. The DX had dried up so it was time to get to 40m and work the locals. Spotting for CW yielded 5 chasers and a S2S from Ian VK5CZ at Tothill Range VK5/SE-010. Strangely there was an SSB station calling me on the CW frequency which turned out to be an S2S from Nick VK3ANL on Mt Torbreck VK3/VN-001. Sometimes we call using CW within the SSB passband so this was quite unusual.

CW contacts had dried up so I spotted on 40m SSB and worked 12 chasers. It was packup time and just as I started there was a spot from Warren ZL2AJ at Hikurangi ZL1/MW-105 on 20m SSB. His signal was weak so I used the linear and he was the last contact and S2S for the day.


It was certainly a very successful activation with more DX S2S than I could have dreamed of. There were 25 S2S contacts including 3 NA, 9 JA, 2 ZL and 11 VK. The best band for DX was 17m with 15m coming second. 20m was pretty useless. I did compare the 20m ground plane with the ZS6BKW and found that in some cases the ground plane yielded stronger received signals. A more useful test would have been if I had one for the 17m band so it could be worth adding links into the ground plane to make it multi-band. The logging went pretty smoothly once I became familiar with a few idiocyncracies. I found I could click on a spot and have the information appear in the logging window which saved having to type in callsigns and summit references. All 55 contacts were successfully recorded and only minor editing was needed after the event. This would bode well for the rest of the trip. Time on summit was just under 5 hours.

Thank you to all the other activators, the chasers and Kevin AC2KL for initiating the event. I hope to participate in another one just like it!


Time Call Frequency Mode Summit
2124 JA4RQO/4 21.063MHz CW JA/SN-077
2129 JS1UEH/1 18.091MHz CW JA/TG-107
2139 WA7JTM 18.093MHz CW W7A/CS-026
2141 NQ7R 18.093MHz CW
2142 K0RS 18.093MHz CW
2151 JH0CJH/2 21.065MHz CW JA/SO-061
2202 JI1IHV/1 18.075MHz CW JA/KN-006
2220 WA7JTM 21.061MHz CW W7A/CS-026
2225 JL1NIE/1 21.061MHz CW JA/YN-032
2230 JS1IFK 21.061MHz CW
2240 ZL1BYZ 18.0925MHz CW ZL1/WK-086
2242 JP3DGT/3 18.080MHz CW JA/HG-068
2258 JG1GPY/1 18.0817MHz CW JA/YN-043
2304 VK1AD/2 7.085MHz SSB VK2/ST-044
2308 VK2YW 7.085MHz SSB
2317 JF1IRW 18.094MHz CW
2318 KG6DX 18.094MHz CW
2320 JA1VRY 18.094MHz CW
2340 VK3PF/4 7.085MHz SSB VK4/SE-045
2358 NJ7V 18.0875MHz CW W7A/AW-040
2359 VK1FWBD/P 7.090MHz SSB VK2/IL-001
0003 VK1AD/2 7.080MHz SSB VK2/ST-044
0005 VK1FWBD/P 7.090MHz SSB VK2/IL-001
0011 VK3PF/4 7.085MHz SSB VK4/SE-045
0013 VK2YW 7.100MHz SSB
0013 VK3SQ 7.100MHz SSB
0013 VK3MCD 7.100MHz SSB
0017 VK2JDR 18.093MHz CW
0024 JA1VVH 18.093MHz CW
0029 JF1NDT/1 18.093MHz CW JA/YN-032
0034 JS6TMW/6 21.062MHz CW JA6/ON-041
0046 VK3CAT/P 7.032MHz CW VK3/VE-059
0048 VK3ARH/P 7.032MHz CW VK3/VE-059
0053 JA1VRY 21.061MHz CW
0103 VK6NU 21.061MHz CW
0108 VK7CW 7.032MHz CW
0109 VK4RF 7.032MHz CW
0112 VK4TJ 7.032MHz CW
0114 VK2MWP 7.032MHz CW
0115 VK2NP 7.032MHz CW
0117 VK5CZ 7.032MHz CW VK5/SE-010
0121 VK3ANL/P 7.032MHz SSB VK3/VN-001
0124 VK1MA 7.095MHz SSB
0125 VK4RF 7.095MHz SSB
0125 VK4HA 7.095MHz SSB
0127 VK1FWBD/P 7.095MHz SSB VK2/IL-005
0128 VK5BJE/3 7.095MHz SSB
0129 VK2NP 7.095MHz SSB
0130 VK1AT/3 7.095MHz SSB
0134 VK3ZPF 7.095MHz SSB
0136 VK3TUN/P 7.095MHz SSB
0136 VK1DW 7.095MHz SSB
0137 VK2LX 7.095MHz SSB
0138 VK7VZ 7.095MHz SSB
0143 ZL2AJ 14.295MHz SSB ZL1/MW-105

9 thoughts on “Japan/North America S2S event at Mt Elliot 23-Apr-17

  1. Hi Gerard,
    A splendid post and a great result for you with the DX. I hope you were running your amplifier with something bigger than the LiFePO4 battery? The amplifier looks pretty good for portable use. Thanks for the call. I was glad to get you in the log.
    John D


  2. HI Gerard, I was interested to read about your linear. I have been thinking of one for some time now as being restricted to 5W with the FT817 or 1W with the Elecraft KX1 is restrictive. Most of my activations I am happy to just log four contacts!


  3. Hi John, Grant,
    Thanks for your feedback.
    The linear was running on a 4200 mAh LiFePO4 battery just like the radio. It was flat by the end of the activation even though I used the amp sparingly. A bigger capacity battery would be useful for long-ish activations. I did have a 7200 mAh SLAB in the car just in case. I’ll mostly stick to using the KX3 barefoot at 12-15W out. The amp could easily be driven by an FT817 or even the KX1 as there is plenty of gain.
    Gerard – VK2IO

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello again Gerard,
      I really like your setup and it looks light! The amplifier would work well from my 33 amp hour ‘thumper’, but using the Yaesu 857D for parks and drive up summits I don’t need the amplifier. It would be an interesting exercise to add the combined weights of the radio and the amp and compare it with an FT817 and the same amplifier. I reckon your system will come out with the lowest weight and probably the smallest bulk size. Once again an amazing effort.
      73 John D. VK5BJE/VK5PF


  4. I still use the 7ah slab with the 817, which I restrict to parks activations. I can usually drive pretty close to the operating point, so weight usually isn’t an issue. For SOTA, with long walks, I use the KX1 with internal AA batteries, which only gives me 1W output. Thinking of LiPos for the 817.


  5. Great blog post Gerard. I particularly like your comment “The logging went pretty smoothly once I became familiar with a few idiocyncracies. I found I could click on a spot and have the information appear in the logging window which saved having to type in callsigns and summit references. ”
    Of all the things that VK port-a-log does this feature is the one that I have come to appreciate the most.
    73 Peter


  6. I’m in the process of getting the equipment together and going to operate from some summits around Brisbane here in the next month or two. I’ll probably be getting lifepo4 8400 battery to be used with FT891. How long do you think this battery might last when used with 50 watts on HF?


  7. Hello Gerard, great web site. I would be interested in details of your zs6bkw setup eg leg lengths, wire size, ribbon detail etc.
    73 de Geoff


  8. Hello Gerard…Thank you for s2s QSO then 21/04/17 QRV on Oh-inzan JA/SN-077…
    I’m happy to comming here and to see your blog…73 See you on the air again …
    Call me whenever you found me on HF band… JA4RQO Hay(ashi)  (^^♪


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